Saturday, April 29, 2006

yea for comebacks

Well if you haven't heard, the Smashing Pumpkins have gotten back together and are currently working on a new album. I am thrilled by the news and look forward to it. On other fronts, the Cubs are playing better then expected with the injuries they have been dealt so far.

Speaking of comebacks, I will be in Portland in about 17 days and am looking forward to the time off and catching with people.

Other band news- I do believe that Dream Theater is slowing chipping away at the top spot for my favorite band that MxPx has held for the longest of times. Now don't get me wrong I still love MxPx and throughly enjoy their music but I continue to be amazed and blown away by Dream Theater. Thanks to Eli and Adam for introducing me to them.

Work, well what can I really say about it. The transition of the company from Chase to Protective is proceding. Do I know for sure that I have a job still. Not really. Does that bother me some. Yes and no. While I do really want to know whats going to happen a part of me is ok with whatever happens will and that is up to God and not me. I personally think I'd really like to find a new position within Chase as I really enjoy the company and what they offer. But I guess I'll continue to play the waiting game for now.

Watched the Chronicles of Narina again the other night and again was amazed about how well the did the story instead of butchering it which they could have easily done. Lets hope the do the rest as well.

Kinda of a long post so I wrap it for now.



Anonymous said...

Dream Theater... I really like their (relatively) new album Octavium... better than the last couple! (At least going back to Metropolis Pt 2)

Mmmmm... smashing pumpkins....

Dan said...

It is a really good album. I've also read where they will have a live album coming out from the 20th anniversary show in NYC that is suppose to be amazing.

Dude, when are we getting together when i'm there in like 2 weeks?