Friday, September 05, 2003

Yes it's true. I am not dead. Just extremely busy as far as doing anything extra goes. And extra does include this I think. But here's a quick update for all you people that might actually read this. I leave for Chicago in 11 days. OMG Craziness cometh. But yes, I will be in Chicago on Thursday Sept 18th for good. I know you all will miss me. But now you have a reason to visit Chicago. But yeah, so the movie quote which seemed to stump everyone was from "Death To Smoochy" so no winners on that one. Here's the next quote for you. "You tell him, and I'll spank you, I'll spank you like a bad bad donkey, ok." So email me at with the answer. I hope to hear you all soon email me anytime. and oh by the way, happy birth day Eli and to Jed . Later all.


Sunday, August 31, 2003

Well this is just one of those days when all I want to say is "blah." There you go folks, you have an offical quote from me to you. Anyways, I am enjoying the idea that is before me. And that is that I have a new coworker who is great at the job. I don't worry about him making mistakes. He soaks in what I say like it is spoken but someone great. I absolutely love it. I think that I finally have someone that I can pass the night shift torch off too when I leave. Not that I was worried about it, but it's always nice to feel like you are leaving the company in good hands. Well next subject.

I just wanted to give a quick congrads to The "E" man for being accepted to go and teach english over in Japan. His dream is coming true. You deserve it man. If you guys want more info click on the above link to go to his page.

I read a really good book a little while ago that was actually given to me by E, (see above link). The book is called "The Book of Five Rings." It is a Japanese book written by Miyamoto Musashi, who is probably the greatest swordsman to ever walk this planet. The book is translated into english and very very well written. Miyamoto writes his book to talk about "The Way" which is his martial arts. I don't want to say anything else cuz knowing me i'll say something that you'd want to read for yourself. So I'll stop there and let you read it yourself. It is seriously a great book, everyone should read it.