Sunday, May 07, 2006


That's right. I just had one on Friday. Turned 26. Yeah I guess. Kari gave me the greatest gift ever. I got an IPOD from her. How freakin awesome is that. I LOVE HER! She also got me 2 of the books from the Ender's series. Got some good reading ahead of me. Kari's parent got me 2 pairs of dress pants and a dress shirt. Not to shabby at all.

Saw the movie The Family Stone this week. Not exactly what I thought it would be. Previews made it seem like a comedy but it was much more of a drama. Now don't get me wrong it has some very funny parts to it but it also deals with some huge issues. I enjoyed it. It also reinforced that fact that I think Rachel McAdams is a great actress and one of my favorites.

I'll be coming to Portland in about 8 days. Can't hardly believe its time for my sister to be graduating from MBC. Time sure flies. I can't to be there and would love to try to get together with as many of you as possible. Let me know.