Saturday, June 05, 2004

Well it's be said

Letter to the Editor found in USA TOday,

"Supersized hype

Am I the only one who does not understand the hype behind Morgan Spurlock's movie, Super Size Me ("'Super Size' balloons," Lifeline, Life, Wednesday)? Spurlock ate three meals a day at McDonald's, and his weight went up, his cholesterol rose, and he had potential liver problems. Well, duh! This movie tells us only one thing: We should enjoy these foods in moderation. Anybody who believes that a diet of fast food on a daily basis is OK needs to have his or her brain supersized. Aaron Webster"

I find this highly amusing. And you know what? I totally agree with Mr. Webster. I think he hits it right on the nose.

I spent the day today at the Art Institute of Chicago and let me tell you was it nice. I had lots of fun and they have some great peices of art there. And the best part about it is that I got in for free cuz I work for Bank One. See there are benefits to working for the big people.

Well that's all for now. See a lot of you in Portland real soon. I LOVE YOU KARI.


Monday, May 31, 2004

The Final Comment's Part Whatever

So I found the easiest way to add it is to just change templates. Oh well, here are 2 things before I go to bed. 1. Disney is setting the release of Dec. 2005 for the Live Action version of "The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe." I can't hardly wait already and I did already email Dr. G in case you are wondering. 2. My girlfriend Kari has established her own blog now and it is at KARI

Have fun reading it and the new this one. They will both be updated a lot now.


Comments III

and again

Comment's II

Let's try that again shall we


I'm trying to get the comments thingy working so lets see if this did it

Sunday, May 30, 2004

"We need to get married so that we can get all this sh**," said my girlfriend Kari today as we looked thru the Linen's N Things ad.

But anyways, I am now a person that is back in the game, and by game I mean, I've got High Speed Internet again. That's right I'm back sucka's!!! I'm so glad that this last week is over. I put in over 70 hours of work between my 2 jobs. Up at 5am to work at the hotel from 5:30am to 10:30am and the home for a little bit and the working at Bank One from 1pm to 10pm. Fun Fun. NOT! That makes for one sleepy Draper. I passed all my audits this month at Bank One so as long as I collect enough money, (and with the pace I'm on that shouldn't be 2 hard) I'll make incentive this month, though it won't get paid out until July but still it will be nice. Nothing new really for me too report. Just gettin ready for bed but before I do that I'll be helping Kari make her own blog so when it is up and running I'll put a link on here so that you all can see it. I LOVE YOU KARI!!!!!!!!!