Sunday, December 21, 2003
Hello everyone. I know, I know, it has been forever since I have posted and you all probably are wondering what has happen to me. Well not a whole lot. I'm just relaxing when I'm not working. And I seem to be working a lot lately due to some problems at another La Quinta in the area. But that's alright. I survive and make do. How is everyone else doing? Kari got the last movie trivia right as it was the Ten Commandments. I'm not sure what to post next for a quote so i'll wait a little bit to think of a good one. It is less then a week to Christmas. Is everyone ready for it. Do you all have you shopping done? I almost do so we'll see what happens. I will be spending Christmas eve and day with Kari and her family after I get off work on those days at 3pm. So there are good things to look forward too. I'll cut this off hear for now except for saying 2 things. The Return of the King is the best movie of the year by far and I LOVE YOU KARI!
Sunday, November 30, 2003
Well as Thanksgiving weekend comes to a close I wonder how everyone enjoyed there time with there family. I myself had a wonderful with my girlfriend Kari and her family. There was good food, good football and good converstation. I look forward to another Thanksgiving with them. I'm still looking for that elusive second job and hopefully it will turn itself up sometime soon. Kari got a job working in the fine jewelry department and the store Carson Parire Scott. She is happy to have a job again and we are hoping that it turns out to be more then just a temporary thing for her. So that is some good news from this end. Work at the hotel has been very good. Not to busy but also not so boring as that I would lose my mind. I work with good people and that makes it fun. I know a lot of you hear about this anyways but I can't help but make mention of it more and more. I love Kari so much. She is my Princess.
Thursday, November 27, 2003
Happy Thanksgiving everyone. I hope that everyone will have a safe and blessed holiday. I wish that at times I was able to be in Portland with my family but I am every thrilled and happy to be here in Chicago with my wonderful girlfriend Kari and with her family for this day. Kari got the correct answer for the last quote I posted. It was from "Finding Nemo". Which by the way is a great movie if you haven't seen it yet. Speaking of movies, this holiday season seems to be full of movie goodness. I can't help but thing of all the exciting movies that I am looking forward to seeing. And of course the #1 movie I want to see right now, The Lord of the Rings: The Return of King. It will be so good and fun and do right awesome. I hope that the rest of you are as excited to see it as well. So a new quote for you all to guess at. "So let it be written, So let it be done." email me with your guess'. Until later all, I LOVE YOU KARI.
Thursday, November 20, 2003
Just a quick update for all of you. Ben got the quote right, followed by a close second place of Jed. So I'll present another quote for your enjoyment. "Just keep swimming, just keep swimming, swimming, swimming." So email me at with you guesses to my quote. I am good. Life is grand. I can not believe that is it almost Thanksgiving already. Where did the time go. It is insane. I have a small little favor to ask of those of you that read this. Could you all email me and let me know that you do and also let me know how things are going with you. I want to stay in touch and keep up but sometimes it is hard. But anyways.
Sunday, November 16, 2003
Well I've read the reviews and thought I would go and see the 3rd Matrix movie anyways. And I'm sure glad I did. It was very enjoyable and I thought it was a well done movie. Jed also thinks highly of the movie. He's also got a cool link on his blog about the possibly of a new Goonies movie. Thanks to our friend Ben for the info on that. I am wondering if any has an update on the progress of "The Chronicles of Narina" being brought to movie format. I've heard that a film company has bought the rights to do so but haven't heard anything new about it since. Come on people the quote from last time isn't that hard. Some one please email me with the answer. I think that no one reads this anymore cuz I get no emails about it. but for now I must go back to work. I LOVE MY PRINCESS.
Saturday, October 25, 2003
Well as it looks to me, I have officially stumped everyone with the last movie quote. Or I must come to realize that no reads this. The quote was from the John Wayne movie intitled, "The Sands of Iwo Jima." But anyways the new movie quote is as follows, "You know the difference between you and me? I make this look good." So email me at with the answer. I hope this finds ok and that life is be lived to its fullest. I've been reminded lately of something my friend Joel told me and that is to make sure you take time to just "BE". For some of you this may just sound plan silly but I actuallity it is a very smart and wise saying that most of us as humans, and especially those of us that are Christians, fell to recognize and follow. Now I don't want this to turn into "O look Dan's standing on his high horse today," but rather I'm just telling you what is on my heart so I thought I would share. And Eli, 1. would you call me the next time you get a chance and 2. did you see which way the thingy went by.
Sunday, October 19, 2003
Well everyone. I guess I've stumped you all with the lastest quote. I'll give you a hint. The star of the movie is John Wayne. So that narrows it down to about 200 or so different movies. Life is good hear. I get to relax when I'm not working and I enjoy spending a lot of time with my Girlfriend. I've got a lot of time to make up for. How are all of you doing. I haven't heard from some of you in a while so I wonder. Let me know people. Email me at Well I must be going for now. Until later.
Monday, October 06, 2003
Well hello everyone. I am safe and sound in Chicago. I am alive and living and enjoying life. I love my apartment and it is so nice to be able to see my girlfriend all the time. Jed got the answer to the last movie quote as I was on the road. What do you think of that? Here is a new one for you. "I'm gonna ride you until you can't stand up. And when you do stand up, you'll be Marines." Email your guess to I hope everyone is well out there. Email me if you want my new address and phone number (it hasn't changed yet, but will be soon. My new job is great. I am learning a lot already and I endever to continue doing so. I think I will go for now. So
Wednesday, September 17, 2003
The day has arrived. It has come time for me to depart towards Chicago. I LOVE YOU all here in Portland. You know that you will be missed. Congradulations to Kari for getting the quote right, it is from "The Big Lebowski" Well to all others, keep trying. Somebody will win something special, that I have already decided. So the next quote is, "I'm your huckleberry." email me at and i'll get back to you. Until later all, I will be driving.
Sunday, September 14, 2003
Well now it seems Jed is on top of his game too. He correctly answered already that the quote was from "Fight Club." So he and Kari are tied with 2 correct answers so far. Way to go people. So here we are with the new quote. "People call me 'The Dude'." Again email is But for now i'm off to sleep, lots to do later, so until then.
Saturday, September 13, 2003
It seems to be that my girlfriend Kari is the only one that reads my blog on a regular basis. She has already answered the quote in less then a day. Holy crap! The correct answer that she got was "The Fifth Element." So here is the next quote. "You are not a beautiful and unique snowflake." So again email me at with the answer.
Only 5 days left until I am in Chicago. Craziness indeed. Things will be insane here in the next couple of days but I can not wait for it all. I have been thinking that this big step in life summed up in this phrase, "The unexpected things of life are what make us strong and bring happiness in the end." I don't remember where I heard that but it sounds good to me.
Only 5 days left until I am in Chicago. Craziness indeed. Things will be insane here in the next couple of days but I can not wait for it all. I have been thinking that this big step in life summed up in this phrase, "The unexpected things of life are what make us strong and bring happiness in the end." I don't remember where I heard that but it sounds good to me.
Friday, September 12, 2003
So like it has taken another week for me to post anything. I'm blaming it partly on being crazy, and the other part on the fact that I'm moving in less then week. Chicago here I come. Is that city ready for me, I guess we'll see. I am so excited about the trip and the fact that I'll be there so soon. For all of you that know me and are in the area in case you didn't know, there is an open house on Sunday the 14th from 2 to 5 pm at my parents. You can come and go as you want. And then on Monday night the 15th a bunch of us will be heading down to Kell's Irish Pub for the evening. We will be there around 6pm and staying until we can stay no more. So feel free to come and go from that one too. Would love to see as many people there that can come. Should be a great final time.
Props go to my girlfriend Kari this time for getting the movie right. All of the rest of you are slackers. In one week I only had one response to the quote. Oh well though. Here is the next one for you to ponder over and then email me the answer at "Sorry lady I only speak two languages, english and bad english." So let me know people. I Love Kari.
It occurs to me that some people in this world are really dumb. Like the people I checked into the hotel a couple of nights ago that I told we only had non smoking room's left, had them fill out the cash policy form stating that if there is damage to the room they could be charged extra and I took a $50 cash deposit from. Well when they checked out today we checked the room and low and behold they smoked in the room. So we informed them that they wouldn't be getting their deposit back to which they started yelling, screaming and cussing in our lobby. When we finally got them out the door they had trashed the breakfast room too. So people's kids. But anyways. Until later all.
Props go to my girlfriend Kari this time for getting the movie right. All of the rest of you are slackers. In one week I only had one response to the quote. Oh well though. Here is the next one for you to ponder over and then email me the answer at "Sorry lady I only speak two languages, english and bad english." So let me know people. I Love Kari.
It occurs to me that some people in this world are really dumb. Like the people I checked into the hotel a couple of nights ago that I told we only had non smoking room's left, had them fill out the cash policy form stating that if there is damage to the room they could be charged extra and I took a $50 cash deposit from. Well when they checked out today we checked the room and low and behold they smoked in the room. So we informed them that they wouldn't be getting their deposit back to which they started yelling, screaming and cussing in our lobby. When we finally got them out the door they had trashed the breakfast room too. So people's kids. But anyways. Until later all.
Friday, September 05, 2003
Yes it's true. I am not dead. Just extremely busy as far as doing anything extra goes. And extra does include this I think. But here's a quick update for all you people that might actually read this. I leave for Chicago in 11 days. OMG Craziness cometh. But yes, I will be in Chicago on Thursday Sept 18th for good. I know you all will miss me. But now you have a reason to visit Chicago. But yeah, so the movie quote which seemed to stump everyone was from "Death To Smoochy" so no winners on that one. Here's the next quote for you. "You tell him, and I'll spank you, I'll spank you like a bad bad donkey, ok." So email me at with the answer. I hope to hear you all soon email me anytime. and oh by the way, happy birth day Eli and to Jed . Later all.
Sunday, August 31, 2003
Well this is just one of those days when all I want to say is "blah." There you go folks, you have an offical quote from me to you. Anyways, I am enjoying the idea that is before me. And that is that I have a new coworker who is great at the job. I don't worry about him making mistakes. He soaks in what I say like it is spoken but someone great. I absolutely love it. I think that I finally have someone that I can pass the night shift torch off too when I leave. Not that I was worried about it, but it's always nice to feel like you are leaving the company in good hands. Well next subject.
I just wanted to give a quick congrads to The "E" man for being accepted to go and teach english over in Japan. His dream is coming true. You deserve it man. If you guys want more info click on the above link to go to his page.
I read a really good book a little while ago that was actually given to me by E, (see above link). The book is called "The Book of Five Rings." It is a Japanese book written by Miyamoto Musashi, who is probably the greatest swordsman to ever walk this planet. The book is translated into english and very very well written. Miyamoto writes his book to talk about "The Way" which is his martial arts. I don't want to say anything else cuz knowing me i'll say something that you'd want to read for yourself. So I'll stop there and let you read it yourself. It is seriously a great book, everyone should read it.
I just wanted to give a quick congrads to The "E" man for being accepted to go and teach english over in Japan. His dream is coming true. You deserve it man. If you guys want more info click on the above link to go to his page.
I read a really good book a little while ago that was actually given to me by E, (see above link). The book is called "The Book of Five Rings." It is a Japanese book written by Miyamoto Musashi, who is probably the greatest swordsman to ever walk this planet. The book is translated into english and very very well written. Miyamoto writes his book to talk about "The Way" which is his martial arts. I don't want to say anything else cuz knowing me i'll say something that you'd want to read for yourself. So I'll stop there and let you read it yourself. It is seriously a great book, everyone should read it.
Friday, August 29, 2003
Apparently it looks like the stupid thing didn't mess up this morning after all. Oh well, what's a guy to do. But yeah. Did I stump you guys with the quote or should I resign myself to the fact that no one probably reads this thing. Either way I know it's a good quote, I'll just have to wait for it to be answered. Ha Ha. 21 Days til I'm in Chicago. YIPPIE I LOVE YOU KARI, YOU ARE SO SPECIAL AND DEAR TO ME.
well I just lost my whole new post some how but screw it i'm going to bed, congrad's to jed for nailing the first quote. It was from The Shawshank Redemption for everyone else.
The new quote is, "How do you feel. Well I'm a little f***ed up in general, so it's kinda hard to gague." Email your guesses to me at and good luck to you. Hope you all like it.
The new quote is, "How do you feel. Well I'm a little f***ed up in general, so it's kinda hard to gague." Email your guesses to me at and good luck to you. Hope you all like it.
Well props are to be given to Jed for nailing the quote from last time. It was from The Shawshank Redemption for all of you that didn't get it. The stupid thing about working all night 5 nights a week is that your body gets use to that schedule so when you do want to go to bed at a normal time, it just doesn't work. But anyways. I have been thinkin that a lot of today's society is based on the fact that nothing really matters, it's all just relative. I don't know about the rest of you but that line of thinking has me a bit worried. Hopefully society will change soon and a new line of thinking will emerge. And let's hope to God that it's a more postive one. Mr. Jones told me something the other day that I could agree with more right now and that is that Audiosalve (formely Rage Against The Machine plus Chris Cornell from Soundgarden) has the best rhythm section in music today. And it makes total since to me, they can bust it out like no other.
Ok here's what you've been waitin for, the new quote. And it is, "How do you feel? Well I'm a little F***ed up in general, so it's a little hard to gague." And there it is for you folks. Guess away. Remember to email your guess to And with that I'll bid you all a fond farewell.
Ok here's what you've been waitin for, the new quote. And it is, "How do you feel? Well I'm a little F***ed up in general, so it's a little hard to gague." And there it is for you folks. Guess away. Remember to email your guess to And with that I'll bid you all a fond farewell.
Thursday, August 28, 2003
Well as most of you are probably able to see by now I have changed up the style of my blog just slightly. I hope it brings a better feel to it for you and for me. Now my task is to learn how to use the current template I have and make changes to it. Don't expect anything soon or anything fancy I'm just saying what I hope for. I'm gonna start something new on here that my friend Mr. Flymolo is doing already. I'm going to put a quote on here and see how many recognize it. Then you can email me with your answer. And for all of you that don't know my email, it's I'll post a new quote everything some email's me with the right answer to the previous listed quote. So for today the quote is "Get busy livin, or get busy dying, that's what Andy use to say." So just email me with your guess and how knows, maybe the person the gets the most over a certain period of time will be intitled to a prize. We shall see.
As it is now 22 days until I move I find myself in the situation of how the crap am I going to fit all my stuff in my car as I drive across the US to Chicago. But knowing my dad, the so called "god" of packing I'll find a way. And I have to say that thanks to my dad I'll be able to make the drive in 2 days instead of 3. And that my friends is a great blessing. Thanks dad! I LOVE KARI.
The college sports season is fast approaching and I am ready for it and pro sports to start. The summer is sometimes to lullful for me as far as sports go. Maybe that's cuz the city I live in now only has 1 pro team. But I guess in Chicago that will be solved since it is bursting with sports teams. Let me just say, go Ducks, Beavers, Timberwolves, Eagles, Red Wings and Cornhuskers. Nothing else to be said at this moment so with that I will bid you all a later.
As it is now 22 days until I move I find myself in the situation of how the crap am I going to fit all my stuff in my car as I drive across the US to Chicago. But knowing my dad, the so called "god" of packing I'll find a way. And I have to say that thanks to my dad I'll be able to make the drive in 2 days instead of 3. And that my friends is a great blessing. Thanks dad! I LOVE KARI.
The college sports season is fast approaching and I am ready for it and pro sports to start. The summer is sometimes to lullful for me as far as sports go. Maybe that's cuz the city I live in now only has 1 pro team. But I guess in Chicago that will be solved since it is bursting with sports teams. Let me just say, go Ducks, Beavers, Timberwolves, Eagles, Red Wings and Cornhuskers. Nothing else to be said at this moment so with that I will bid you all a later.
Wednesday, August 27, 2003
Well sad new's is upon us today. The world has lost one of its best people. University of Portland Head Soccer Coach Clive Charles, died yesterday after a 3 year battle with cancer. The world of soccer mourns his loss as do the rest of us. I had a chance to meet Coach Charles, and he was the nicest man and even though I am quite younger then he was, he treated me like an old friend and with lots of respect. He was a class act. He did so much for soccer in the US and for women's soccer in general. He finally go the prize he had been after and that was winning the National Championship with the girl's soccer team from U of P. He was the happiest person alive when they one and he'll always have a place in the soccer and the city of Portland.
On a lighter note I will be in Chicago in 23 days and that is a great thing. So later all, I'm update more later. PAX
On a lighter note I will be in Chicago in 23 days and that is a great thing. So later all, I'm update more later. PAX
Tuesday, August 26, 2003
well here we are at a new day and all I have to say is 24 DAYS TIL I'M IN CHICAGO. But anyways I figured I would finally tell you about some of those links that I posted a long time ago. so here we go. First of all, Penny Arcade is a site that contains reviews on games on every sort of system and also running commentary on other strange and crazy things. They also feature a new web comic every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. They provide lots of fun.
The other one that i mentioned was RedvsBlue. This one is a site that mainly deals with the X'box game "Halo". The guys on this site have taken that game and turned into an animated series of the "red team" vs the "blue team" and with this hilarity proceeds. This by far has to be one of the funniest things that I had seen in a long time. I recommed all to see it, however if you have dail up the download is sometimes slow, but I still recommed the download.
So there is my explaination of those sites and i also want to give a shout out to Eli and his site FlyMolo. He's the first of my friends that's put a link for me up. Thanks Mr Kaji. So for now. I LOVE YOU KARI.
The other one that i mentioned was RedvsBlue. This one is a site that mainly deals with the X'box game "Halo". The guys on this site have taken that game and turned into an animated series of the "red team" vs the "blue team" and with this hilarity proceeds. This by far has to be one of the funniest things that I had seen in a long time. I recommed all to see it, however if you have dail up the download is sometimes slow, but I still recommed the download.
So there is my explaination of those sites and i also want to give a shout out to Eli and his site FlyMolo. He's the first of my friends that's put a link for me up. Thanks Mr Kaji. So for now. I LOVE YOU KARI.
Saturday, August 23, 2003
Well hello everyone. I'm not dead in case you wondering. I've just been extremely busy. I went and saw my mom's side of the family before I move. It was good times and good food. I have to admit that I amazed myself by makin it to Issaquah in 2 hours and 20 minutes though. Anyways, I'm still headed to Chicago and it is now only 27 days away. I absolutely can not wait until I'm there. Kari I'm coming to you. Apparently I have been slacking off lately so I'm sorry to all the people that don't like my slackerness. But really boo freakin hoo. So I hear I have update my thingy here to be added as a link to other peoples blog's, so guess what, here's an update for ya.
I have been playin Warcraft 3 lately and have really been enjoyin it. Except for the fact that I can not seem to win a one on one match against the computer. The stupid thing, I can team up with one other computer and take on 3 other computers and beat the crap out of them. Of all the stupid things. I've also been amused by another simpler game called, "Noah's Ark." Look it up on the net, you'll hate it and enjoy it all together in one. Until later, I LOVE KARI.
I have been playin Warcraft 3 lately and have really been enjoyin it. Except for the fact that I can not seem to win a one on one match against the computer. The stupid thing, I can team up with one other computer and take on 3 other computers and beat the crap out of them. Of all the stupid things. I've also been amused by another simpler game called, "Noah's Ark." Look it up on the net, you'll hate it and enjoy it all together in one. Until later, I LOVE KARI.
Friday, August 15, 2003
Well as you all can I see thanks to my friend Joe i have learned how to the the links thingy. it's amazin what you can do once you just ask someone, but anyways i'll write more later, 36 DAYS UNTIL MY ARRIVAL IN CHICAGO, I'M COMING KARI, AND I LOVE YOU
Thursday, August 14, 2003
So like I'm still trying to search and figure out things for this and as of so far, i have not had any luck. But I'll keep searching. I know it's just a matter of time before I lose my brain. But anyways I wanted to say a little something today. First of all, good luck to Arnie in California. Second, thanks to President Bush for a job well done so far. And thirdly, thank you to all the wonderful people out there that actually tip shuttle drivers when they load and unload your luggage, and drive you to and from the airport. You really make life easier for all of us. But anyways, maybe if I feel inspired I'll write something on here later. But until then, I'll be in Chicago in 37 days. yeah! Pax
Wednesday, August 13, 2003
We'll i'll add some links here i guess real quick. The blogs of my friends
Fly Molo
Musings of Hutch
Onward and Upward
Veritas Connections
and a few websites that you might find truly interesting, i'll tell more about them later.
Penny Arcade
Red V. Blue
later all. PAX
Fly Molo
Musings of Hutch
Onward and Upward
Veritas Connections
and a few websites that you might find truly interesting, i'll tell more about them later.
Penny Arcade
Red V. Blue
later all. PAX
August 12 2003- Well here it comes to it folks. The bloggin has reached its evolution with the joining of such crazies as me and my friends. There are some other people's blog's that you should check out and i'll put the links up for those either tonight or tomorrow. I guess this initial post is to let you all know what to expect with this site. I'll be honest, i'm not even sure what will be on this thing all the time. There might be some reviews of some things, or maybe my insane babbling about other silly things. But I guess we'll see together as time goes on what exactly is here. At least 4 friends of mine have blogs as well so you'll need to check them out. Two things that I'll talk about at the moment. Two really great bands have need cd's coming out. One is MxPx. And the other is the group called Thursday. Both are highly anticipated releases from the groups and must people can't wait to here them. If you have not heard anything from either one of these groups you should check them out. Both are very solid musically and write some very interesting lyrics. But enough for now. I have to get ready for work. So until next people. PAX
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